VR Medical Training Software – CPR in VR

VR Emergency Training

Given that 80-90% of the people panic before an emergency, VR medical training software can help prepare us for unexpected situations. Responding to cardiac arrest, bleeding or choking are all basic first aid response techniques that paralyze bystanders. Virtual reality CPR scenarios can test and train responses without any consequences, getting prepared for when a real emergency occurs.

CPR Training in VR

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Technique – A Life Saver

More than 350,000 deaths occur every year due to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) in the United States. Truly sad given that everyone can learn  CPR – and everyone should! Six simple steps, calling 911, opening airways and cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until the ambulance arrives, and remember to use an AED if one is available.

Cleveland Clinic Statistics show that after cardiac arrest, the earlier CPR is performed, the higher the chance of survival. When bystanders performed CPR on cardiac arrest victims out of hospital, nearly 45 percent of them survived.
The problem is that 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency and so, 52% do not provide help to victims. Truly shocking, because simply using chest compressions, without any specific CPR training or additional mouth-to-mouth breathing can triple the chance of a victim surviving. Sadly, only 17% –  1 of every 6 people in the United States is aware of the impact that chest compressions have on survival.

Basic CPR and Advanced CPR with Virtual Reality

With virtual reality, the user is transported to a virtual world, where they can practice all types of scenarios: basic CPR in VR with chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth, using AED in VR or even practicing advanced VR CPR for doctors. 

Additionally, VR medical scenarios can exhibit different 3D patients. It is not the same administering CPR on a pregnant woman, than providing CPR for a neonatal or a baby, or to an older woman. Different body types and age groups can render CPR more complex, and virtual reality can provide these scenarios, at no risk for anyone. 

Practicing in a stress-free environment, at home, at your own paste, prepares you for unexpected emergency situations

Oculus Quest VR CPR

Technology for the medical metaverse has improved in recent years. Now, a variety of hardware VR companies, such as Oculus or Pico have developed standalone versions of the VR headset. This is particularly useful for CPR training because no cables are needed, and the user can move freely in the scenario.

Chest compressions can be practiced either with the VR joysticks or with the hand-tracking feature, making the experience even more real.

Mixed reality CPR Training

VR medical training companies are taking advantage of the latest technological updates to build mixed reality solutions. Combining the freedom of having virtual patients and virtual scenarios with the sensory information of a physical mannequin. When giving chest compressions, one feels the pushback from the mannequin while envisioning a real person. Of course, mixed reality needs users to use both a headset and a mannequin: very useful for doctors and nurses, but less so for the average person at home.

Mobile VR Cardboard CPR

For those at home that are not yet thinking of owning a VR headset, VR scenarios can also be built for the mobile phone, in both Android and iOS versions. Cardboard VR technology for CPR enables some interaction with the virtual patient, so that the user interiorizes the concepts of CPR and is able to practice in different scenarios.

Virtual Reality Emergency Training  Scenarios – Different types of CPR in VR 

CPR High School Training in VR – how do you perform basic CPR?

In the United States, 38  states, by law, make CPR training mandatory in high schools. According to the American Heart Association, children as young as nine years old can learn and retain CPR skills. According to the studies, for children, it is easier to master chest compressions instead of mouth-to-mouth and so, focus should be on the former. 

With VR CPR training software, children can experience the stress of being in front of someone who is in need of help. They must put to practice their soft and hard skills, accessing it remotely from the comfort of their home without needing any trainers. MetaMedicsVR CPR software has two modes: “learning” and “examination.” In learning, the children are prompted and guided through the steps, whereas in the evaluation scenarios, no help is given to test their skills. The software offers different scenarios and types of victims, to provide better preparation for real life. After each simulation, a report is provided with analytics showing a score in each domain: movement precision, velocity, accuracy etc. 

VR Pediatrics Training – how does CPR differ for infants and children?

Different CPR techniques must be used depending on the victim’s age. In virtual reality, different age patients can be placed in scenarios, for users to be exposed to. For example, users can visualize an infant with a cardiac arrest (infants are aged newborn to 1 year), or a child (aged 1 year to puberty).

Performing CPR on Children in VR

MetaMedicsVR software teaches users what to do in each scenario. Children are more likely than adults to survive a cardiac arrest if CPR is performed early. Hence, one must immediately perform a full two minutes of CPR before calling 911.

As a child’s airway is more fragile than an adult’s, the simulation warns users to beware of tilting the head back too far when providing rescue breaths. As for the hands, one or two should be used for chest compressions, depending on the size of the child – different scenarios test users on this. If an AED is available, one should use pediatric pads after 5 cycles of CPR. 

Performing CPR on Infants in VR

Having to perform CPR on an infant is highly concerning, hence why prior exposure and training is key. Whereas infants’ bones are flexible, they are also very delicate. Before performing CPR, one must check that the baby is indeed unconscious. For this, instead of shaking the victim, like in the adult scenario, one should shout and flick the soles of the feet. 

One must start CPR immediately, even before calling 911. CPR is performed differently for infants, as VR scenarios exhibit. First, only two fingers should be used for chest compressions at the center of the infant’s chest. Second, beware of tipping the head of the infant back too far when providing rescue breaths. Best to gently tilt the head as if the baby were in a “sniffing position,” sniffing the air. When actually providing rescue breathing, use cheeks to puff air into the infant’s mouth instead of using the lungs fully.  If after 5 cycles of CPR, the infant remains unconscious and there is an AED available, select pediatric mode and initiate the machine.

VR Obstetrics Training – how do you do CPR on a pregnant woman?

The most important thing to know is that by engaging in chest compressions, one is not hurting the fetus or the pregnant woman. Yet, there are some slight changes compared to starting an adult CPR, that are exemplified in VR CPR software. 

Performing adult CPR, one is taught to lay the person flat on their back, but if the victim is in their later stages of pregnancy this is incorrect.  If one places her flat, the weight of the fetus can compress the IVC reducing the effectiveness of CPR. Hence, one should tilt her hips to the left by placing something like rolled blankets under their right hip, allowing blood to return to the heart.

CPR and VR

CPR is a basic first aid skill that can prevent many deaths. For this, virtual reality medical technology comes in handy. Virtual reality software can place users in scenarios such as airports, supermarkets and schools with different types of patients. For example a 3 month-old baby, a 10 year old infant, a 40 year old man and a pregnant woman. Each CPR scenario requires slightly different movements and mastering this skill can make a difference. Today, virtual reality emergency training software  can help humans save lives.